James Sweete: Helping Businesses Build a Striking and Effective Website

December 23, 2021

JPS Media focuses on helping businesses build a striking and effective website that not only promotes business but also generates sales and leads. Utilising SEO and online marketing strategies. JPS Media are here to ensure your online business is driven to success.

Tell us about yourself?

I always had a passion for web development and online marketing from an early age.

Having been in business for well over 15 years now, I have certainly learnt a thing or two about what does and doesn’t work when it comes to the online sales world. Starting out when web and SEO were not really a huge thing, it all kind of fell under the IT domain and so we were called JPS IT back then. We helped some businesses with websites and used development to automate their business with systems built into their website to make their businesses more streamlined.

This then developed in time as we focused more into the websites and online marketing space. Partially as we needed to do this for our own business and learnt how to do this effectively and we soon saw this was a much sought after service. Then 15 years later here we are, still selling that same service to our clients. But obviously the strategies and logic we apply now is very different from back then.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Learn to say no!

Ok so this is probably something id go back to the start of my business journey which is much more than a year or two. But the key piece of advice is say no. Sometimes you will say yes to clients that expect too much for their budgets. As a general yes person I would always accommodate the best I could. I wanted to help people.

What I didn’t realise is this just allowed some people to walk over me. Ok so they still got what they wanted and they were happy. I felt dead inside and it really bothered me, this then put me off and made me dislike what I do and I was starting to lose passion because of this. Once I realised this was happening, I quickly learnt to say no. No sorry I wont be able to work on 2 hours sleep for a month so that you can meet your deadline etc. I will try, don’t get me wrong. But I am also realistic and so look after the business and myself that little more.

What problem does your business solve?

JPS Media solves the issue of people buying a website and then wondering why no one is buying from it. Most web companies will build your website and then leave you to it. This then just leaves the business owner in the lurch with an expensive website they have just purchased that doesn’t convert sales or create any leads, can’t be found and is all just an expensive waste of time.

JPS Media decided to break the mould of this and so ensure we provide you with something that’s useful and that works. Our logic is if we can help you make more money, you will have more money for your marketing budget to help us help you more, and this then spirals from there.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

JPS Media solves the issue of people buying a website and then wondering why no one is buying from it. Most web companies will build your website and then leave you to it. This then just leaves the business owner in the lurch with an expensive website they have just purchased that doesn’t convert sales or create any leads, can’t be found and is all just an expensive waste of time.

JPS Media decided to break the mould of this and so ensure we provide you with something that’s useful and that works. Our logic is if we can help you make more money, you will have more money for your marketing budget to help us help you more, and this then spirals from there.

What is your magic sauce?

JPS Media focuses on our customers. We don’t have a huge customer base where we sell lots. We break our business down to only serve specific businesses that we can get enthusiastic about. This allows us to remain enthusiastic about their business, while helping and supporting them through their own business journey. We have been helping local York startup businesses for many many years now. It works and so we stick with this.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

Over the next 5 years we plan to continue to grow and help our clients even more. We also have any online training and even a free support group. So we can help as many people grow their business online with JPS Media (even those who perhaps can’t afford our services at the moment). This is where our socials and free training group comes into play.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

The biggest challenge we have faced so far is managing to keep our business alive and kicking all these years. We have held strong among some seriously large agencies and competitors. But year on year we still keep progressing and growing stronger and stronger. So we are clearly doing something right!

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

If you need any help with your website, growing your business or brand then feel free to get in touch with us. If you want to get involved you can visit our website.

Our free training group can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/growwithjpsmedia/

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