20 Best British Book Podcasts of 2021

May 18, 2021

Are you wanting to learn more about british book? Well you’ve come to the right place. This is a curated list of the best british book podcasts of 2021.

We have selected these podcasts for a variety of reasons, but they are all well worth a listen. We tried to select a variety of podcasts across the spectrum from hosts with a wide breadth of experience.

Best British Book Podcasts 2021

With thanks to ListenNotes, Crunchbase, SemRush and Ahrefs for providing the data to create and rank these podcasts.

Goblet Of Wine: A Drunken British Harry Potter Podcast

  • Publisher: Harry Potter
  • Total Episodes: 77

Two British lifelong Harry Potter fans Hannah and Charlie re-read their favourite childhood book chapter by chapter with added alcohol and cynicism in fortnightly episodes! The perfect podcast for HP fans who want to revisit the story through an adult lens (AKA, NSFW), and with the added bonus of British accents, Hannah and Charlie lovingly tear apart the books pointing out plot holes, anti-feminist moments, transphobia, fat phobia, and most of all…dick jokes. A unique combination of intelligent literary criticism one minute, and drunken chaos the next, join us on our reminiscent journey.

Slay In Your Lane: The Podcast

  • Publisher: Studio71 UK
  • Total Episodes: 21

Slay in Your Lane: The Podcast comes from multi-award-winning authors Yomi Adegoke and Elizabeth Uviebinené who rose to prominence with their pioneering guide to life for young Black Women. The podcast, which launches 24th April 2020, will explore topical news and popular culture from a Black British female perspective while expanding upon many of the same themes addressed in the Slay in Your Lane book including navigating the workplace, finances, education, health, relationships and dating.This is a Studio71 production. Producer – Jack Claramunt Assistant Producer – Winnie SimonExec Producer – Tom Payne & Jody SmithProduction Support – Phie McKenzieStudio71 is a Red Arrow Studios Company.

ESV: Daily Light on the Daily Path

  • Publisher: Crossway
  • Total Episodes: 1238

A Devotional Classic For over a century, Daily Light on the Daily Path has been a favorite devotional book of those who realize the tremendous benefit of reading and praying Scripture. Originally printed in the mid-1800s, Daily Light was born out of the devout faith of Samuel Bagster, a British bookstore owner determined to share his faith with his twelve children. Over the course of a year, enjoy 366 morning and evening Scripture passages paired with readings from Daily Light. © 2017 Crossway. All Rights Reserved.

Histories Of The Ephemeral

  • Publisher: Katherine Schofield
  • Total Episodes: 4

Historian of music and listening in Mughal India. Through stories about powerful courtesans, legendary maestros and captivated patrons I write of sovereignty and selfhood, friendship and desire, sympathy and loss, and power, worldly and strange as the Mughal empire gave way to British rule. My latest co-edited book is Monsoon Feelings: A History of Emotions in the Rain.

Creative Women International podcast

  • Publisher: Philiy Page
  • Total Episodes: 179

How do I leave my 9-5 for my side hustle? How do I make money from my work? Can I build my dream job? Creative Women International is here to help you figure it out. Founder Philiy Page, presents these podcasts having worked in the creative industries for over 24 years, starting as a photojournalist for UK publications such as Marie Claire and The Guardian Newspaper. She moved into BBC documentaries, worked as a feature film production manager, writes and runs the CWI, while also delivering training for Creative Business Start ups internationally for Nesta and the British Council. She is a RSA Fellow and has worked as a teaching Fellow of Entrepreneurship at The University of Bristol. Philiy’s book The Business Of Creativity helps female start-ups create a successful career. Philiy shares tips and personal stories, has guests to help you work it all out, and acts like the big sister you never knew you needed. You can find out more about Creative Women International at: www.CreativeWomenInternational.com where you can sign up to be the first to hear about courses, offers, VIP meet ups and so much more- plus you get some great free downloads to help you with your creative career. If you are a successful creative, get in touch if you would like to feature as a guest. Philiy@CreativeWomenInternational.com

WW2 – the Key Questions, answered by Laurence Rees.

  • Publisher: Laurence Rees
  • Total Episodes: 6

A former Head of BBC TV History programmes, Laurence has specialized in writing books and making television documentaries about World War Two, the Nazis and Stalinism for thirty years. He won a BAFTA and a Peabody for his TV series ‘The Nazis: A Warning from History’ and a British Book Award for his book on Auschwitz, which is also the world’s best selling book on this notorious camp. His book ‘the Holocaust: A New History’ was described by the Times as ‘exemplary’ and by the Daily Telegraph as ‘the best single volume account of the atrocity ever written’. Educated at Oxford University, for several years he was a visiting senior fellow at the London School of Economics, London University. He holds honorary doctorates from the University of Sheffield and the Open University. Professor Robert Service, of Oxford University, described Rees as ‘one of the world’s experts on the Second World War’. Sir Max Hastings wrote in the Sunday Times, in a review of Laurence Rees’ ‘World War Two: Behind Closed Doors’ that ‘Rees knows a vast amount about the Second World War and his judgments can seldom be faulted.’

The Brit Lit Podcast

  • Publisher: Claire Handscombe
  • Total Episodes: 75

A show of news and views from the world of British books and publishing

London Expat

  • Publisher: storielibere.fm
  • Total Episodes: 5

By Cecilia Gragnani, special guest Jonny Woo, editor Gabriele Carrer | LONDON EXPAT is the comic story of the encounter between a modern migrant and London – a contemporary El Dorado craved by generations of young Italians. Millions of European citizens arrive in the British capital to realise the future they dream of.The podcast explores the long road to becoming a citizen in another country, embracing a new nationality whilst staying true to your roots, and the existential crisis that your identity faces when no country claims you as their own. From amusing miscommunications to bewildering legal technicalities, through Brexit’s threat and the latest Coronavirus emergency, Cecilia delves into the day-to-day of living in a country and a city where turning ones desires into reality becomes a titanic endeavour as the European dream of life across borders seems to slowly drift away.In her exploration Cecilia interacts with the Spirit of London, interpreted by the Drag Queen Jonny Woo, and uses as a guideline the book “Life in the UK”, an element that identifies British bureaucratic obtuseness, a compulsory read for aspiring citizens but little known even by the native English people. The story is accompanied by direct testimonies of many expats who have tried, have succeeded or have given up.Cover image by Giacomo BottoMusic by Epidemic Sound

Stance Podcast

  • Publisher: Stance Podcast
  • Total Episodes: 54

Stance is an independent award-winning arts, culture and current affairs podcast run by New York based journalist and curator Chrystal Genesis. An episode is released on the 1st of every month. Guests so far include musicians Four Tet, Jamila Woods, Róisín Murphy, Amber Mark, Caribou, Kaytranada, Jessie Ware, Tricky and Nao, authors Yaa Gyasi, Sayaka Murata, Elif Shafak & Valeria Luiselli, lawyer and campaigner Gina Miller, politician Bobi Wine, poets Fatimah Asghar, John Cooper Clarke & Kae Tempest, actor Riz Ahmed, Me Too founder Tarana Burke, playwrights Inua Ellams & Natasha Gordon, writer and activist Janet Mock, choreographers Akram Khan, Deborah Colker and Hofesh Shechter, fashion designer Duro Olowu and visual artists Shirin Neshat, Larry Achiampong, The Singh Twins & Juliana Huxtable. Topics covered include Is This for Real?, Black in the Time of Corona, Manchesters LGBTQ+ Story, On Beauty, The Class Ceiling in the Arts, Modern Mumbai, Sex, The Female Prison Experience, Revolutionary Mothering, Demystifying Yoga and Donald Glover’s Atlanta. Stance loves to explore and has visited locations including Mumbai in India, Colombo in Sri Lanka, Bergen in Norway, Paris in France and New York, LA & Philadelphia in the US in search of original stories and fresh perspectives. Stance was awarded Bronze for Best Current Affairs at The British Podcast Awards 2020. Stance won Best Arts & Culture Show and Rising Star in the Mixcloud Online Radio Awards 2018, nominated for Best Arts and Culture and Best Current Affairs as part of the British Podcast Awards 2019, included in The Observer and The Times annual Best Podcasts list, and has been Podcast of the Week in publications including The FT, Grazia, The Guardian and The Independent. Join the conversation @stancepodcast @chrystalgenesis on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Don’t forget to subscribe and review! StancePodcast.com Stance is produced by Chrystal Genesis, Rachel Porter, Farrell Mahon, Joël Duncan & Carmela DiClemente. Music by Rikette Genesis and Stance branding by Edward Vince

Overmorrow’s Library

  • Publisher: Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève
  • Total Episodes: 18

The Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève presents Overmorrow’s Library, a podcast series by Federico Campagna, available on the 5th floor (digital extension): https://5e.centre.ch/en/ The library for ‘the day after tomorrow’ is dedicated to books and authors whose work explores the limits of the ‘world’ as the frame of sense through which our consciousness experiences the chaos of reality. Each new episode presents a book that engages with the challenge of world-making, with the end-time of a world, or with the eternal unworldly. Spanning mysticism, politics, mythology, philosophy, video-game design and more, the shelves of Overmorrow’s Library are a space for experimenting with the apocalypse, and with the ignition of new cosmogonies. Federico Campagna is an Italian philosopher and writer living in London. His latest books are ‘Prophetic Culture: Recreation for Adolescents’ (Bloomsbury, 2021), ‘Technic and Magic: The Reconstruction of Reality’ (Bloomsbury, 2018), and ‘The Last Night: Anti-work, Atheism, Adventure’ (Zero Books, 2013). He is a lecturer and tutor at KABK, The Hague, and has presented his work in institutions including the Warburg Institute, the Royal Academy, the 57th and 58th Venice Biennale, Documenta 13, Winzavod Center, Jameel Art Centre, Tate Modern and the Serpentine Gallery. He is the director of rights at the radical publisher Verso Books. Image credit: The Gilgamesh Tablet (Library of Ashurbanipal), 7th c. BCE. The British Museum, London. © The Trustees of the British Museum.

The Nutrition Nuggets Podcast

  • Publisher: Dale Pinnock
  • Total Episodes: 43

Helping YOU get clarity on Nutrition. Presented by Dale Pinnock. Best selling author of 18 books that are now in 19 Languages in 22 countries. Dale holds a BSc in Human Nutrition, a BSc in Herbal Medicine, and a Post Graduate degree in Nutritional Medicine from the University of Surrey. A regular face on British TV shows such as This Morning, Lorraine and co presenter of ITV’s big hit show ‘Eat, Shop, Save’, Dale is passionate about delivering clarity and understanding to the subject of nutrition, in a time when information is so often driven by fads, fashion, half truths and unqualified influencers peddling their ideas. This podcast aims to deliver short sharp evidence based bursts of information around a different subject each week.

SLP Corner

  • Publisher: Shannon Briggs
  • Total Episodes: 65

Hello, hello, hello and welcome to the SLP Corner podcast! My name is Shannon Briggs and I am based out of Vancouver, Canada. I received my Masters of Science in Speech-Language Pathology at the University of British Columbia (UBC). I currently work at a private practice where I have a play-based, child-led therapy approach and strive to work towards functional outcomes! The goal of SLP Corner is to create a shared space to learn and share regarding all things speech, language, and social communication. I am a big proponent of evidence-based practice and try to make sure that’s included in all of my posts. Feel free to connect with me further by checking out my Instagram (@slpcorner), blog (www.slpcorner.com) and Facebook page (SLP Corner). Talk soon, Shannon

The C.S. Lewis podcast

  • Publisher: Premier
  • Total Episodes: 7

A weekly podcast from Premier with Professor Alister McGrath exploring C.S. Lewis’ thought, theology and teaching. C.S. Lewis is one of the most influential voices in modern Christianity. The 20th Century British writer and lay theologian has profoundly impacted Christians around the world and brought many atheists and agnostics to faith in Jesus. One person whose faith was greatly encouraged by the writings of C.S. Lewis is Professor Alister McGrath. Both men were raised in Northern Ireland, studied at Oxford University and went on to become professors there. They also both came to faith from atheism slightly later in life. Alister has written numerous books on C.S. Lewis, including a seminal biography C.S. Lewis – A Life. Every Monday, Ruth Jackson and Professor Alister McGrath will reflect on C.S. Lewis’ ideas, life and influence as well as trying to answer questions that impact culture today.

Aural Fixation

  • Publisher: Andy Gott and Drew Tweddle
  • Total Episodes: 62

Aural Fixation is a fortnightly queer music podcast that explores LGBTQI+ themes in music and pop culture. Launched in May 2019 and released fortnightly on Thursdays, each iconic instalment follows besties Drew and Andy as they discuss an album that is loved by queer people, made by queer artists, or speaks to queer experiences. British expats living and recording in Sydney, Drew and Andy bring a uniquely cross-genre and cross-hemispheric viewpoint to being gay and loving music, shared perhaps only by the Minogue sisters. Aural Fixation is recorded and produced by @drew_down_under and @andrewdoyouthinkyouare. Follow us on Facebook at Aural Fixation Podcast, on Instagram at @auralfixationpodcast, email us at auralfixationpodcast@gmail.com, and perhaps most importantly of all – if you like us, please give us a rating and review.

Red Hot Chilli Writers

  • Total Episodes: 48

Joined each episode by special guests, British Asian authors, Vaseem Khan and Abir Mukherjee take a wry look at the world of books, writing, and the creative arts, tackling everything from bestsellers to pop culture and Big Fat Asian Weddings. Insightful, funny, packed with stellar interviews – Dean Koontz, Val McDermid, Ann Cleeves, Mike Gayle, to name a few – and the odd dose of cross-cultural confusion, they dare to explore the parts other podcasts cannot reach. Find out more: www.redhotchilliwriters.com

The NR F1 Podcast > Your Formula 1 Podcast from Norfolk, UK

  • Publisher: NRF1.uk
  • Total Episodes: 281

The British county of Norfolk – where the iconic success of Team Lotus was cultivated, where Ayrton Senna, Martin Brundle, Mark Webber and more honed their race craft, and home to the NR F1 Podcast. Sports journalist Michael Bailey plus his Formula 1 podcast guests pore over every grand prix, the latest news and talking points. Find your subscription: http://nrf1.uk/podsubscribe and join the debate via Twitter and Facebook @theNRF1

The Ghost Museum

  • Publisher: The Slab
  • Total Episodes: 20

Chels and Jim are best friends who like to talk about stuff that doesn’t have answers in ill-informed ways. More specifically, they’re having a chat about British ghosts, myths, and legends. They’ll also do murder. Outside of the podcast, Jim presents stuff on telly and Chels has a book out, which makes her feel better about her other soulless job in PR. Formerly ‘The Slab’

Tim Humble

  • Publisher: Muslim Central
  • Total Episodes: 241

Muhammad Tim Humble is from Newcastle & graduated from the famous faculty of hadeeth and Islamic Studies at the Islamic University of Madinah in 2011. Ustadh Tim Humble is a British revert, who has ijaza in the six famous books of hadeeth. He is also experienced in the field of Ruqyah, the Islamic method of healing with the Quran, specializing in treatment for black magic and evil eye. He accepted Islam at the age of 14 & is currently involved with a dawah organisation called IDC North East which is based in & around Newcastle. Tim Humble became interested in Islam during Religious Education classes in Primary School. After researching it further on the internet he accepted Islam at the age of 14. Thereafter he went through a period of 4-5 years where he struggled to implement and practice his new-found faith. The Muslim community in his hometown was unwelcoming and unhelpful to New Muslims. In his own words, “One of the biggest problems we have in the Ummah is that we are excellent at selling the religion; we’re great salesmen…What we’re really, really rubbish at is keeping them in Islam once they become Muslim.” A suggestion by a friend sparked the idea of studying in the Islamic University of Madinah. During his first Hajj pilgrimage he applied to and was accepted into the University. He graduated from the Faculty of Hadeeth Studies in 2011. Notably he memorized and is certified in the six canonical works of hadeeth. He is currently involved with a Da’wah organisation called ‘IDC North East’ which is based in & around Newcastle. The Ustadh is married with 3 kids & is the founder of Humble Foundation.

Relentless Knitting Podcast

  • Publisher: Relentless Knitting Company
  • Total Episodes: 68

Welcome to the Relentless Knitting Podcast! We’re so happy you’ve found us. We are two science teachers who knit based out of the beautiful Okanagan valley in British Columbia Canada. The goal of this podcast is to share our love of the fibre arts and foster community. Our focus will be knitting with flares of other hobbies and interests. We are both recent first time moms and we’ll be sharing some of our adventures in mommyhood. We own Relentless Knitting Company and are contracted by our local yarn store to teach knitting classes. Find us on facebook, twitter and the web at www.relentlessknitting.com and join our group on Ravelry – Relentless Knitting Company.


  • Publisher: David Millar and Mikkel B. Rasmussen
  • Total Episodes: 14

OFF BIKE – A Podcast About Where Cycling Takes Us What happens when you get off the bike? Join the ex pro rider David Millar and the business anthropologist Mikkel B. Rasmussen while they explore what biking does for us beyond the ride. The question might sound banal, but it is actually not so easy to answer. David and Mikkel outline their ambitious plans for this brand new series of podcasts where they will interview a wide cross-section of people to investigate their journeys through life and how cycling has threaded through it all. . …Mikkel, one of the founding partners of ReD Associates, is a specialist at applying human science to business problems. As the director of ReD Associates Europe, he works closely with the top management of some of Europe’s most forward looking companies, including Adidas, Lego, and Novo Nordisk. In his practice at ReD, Mikkel has pioneered new thinking on how to make social science methodology practical, creative and effective in business. He is the co author of the book “The Moment of Clarity – How to Use Human Science to Solve Your Hardest Business Problems” published by Harvard Business Press in 2014 as well as numerous articles and essays. Mikkel holds a Master in Economics from Maastricht University and Master of Applied Social Science from University of Roskilde. …David, ex professional racing cyclist, is one of the founding partners in CHPT3, a company created to serve and supply the third space in our life, the time that exists beyond our family and work. It’s origins lay in cycling and that is where it is currently focussed. David has written two books, Racing Through the Dark and The Racer, as well as numerous articles and essays. He was the principal consultant to Stephen Frears during the production of The Program, and helped Finlay Pretsell make feature documentary, Time Trial. During the summer months he will mainly be found alongside Ned Boulting commentating on bike races for British television.

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