Jay Lartey: Change the Way Deskless and Remote Workers Connect, Communicate and Collaborate With Each Other

August 9, 2022

When we started AgilityPortal, our vision statement was to “change the way deskless and remote workers connect, communicate and collaborate with each other.

AgilityPortal is a value-centricity enterprise social software that unleashes employee engagement, harnesses corporate knowledge and provides a go to online digital headquarters.

Tell us about yourself?

I have a background in Agile project management, building enterprise software technology that powers the biggest names in the pharmaceutical industry.

I have a passion for being creative and building solutions, and while working with many clients I’ve noticed a few gaps in the market. In response to these gaps, I co-founded AgilityPortal, a software development consultancy specializing in digital transformation. AgilityPortal has worked with clients such as Novartis, Merck, AstraZeneca, Ernst & Young, Impellam Group, and Air France.

We help our clients increase agility, reduce costs, and improve quality by leveraging the latest technologies. If you’re looking for a partner to help you with your digital transformation journey, I encourage you to get in touch with us at AgilityPortal. We’re confident that we can provide you with the agility and expertise you need to succeed.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

It is inevitable that we will all face disappointments and heartaches throughout our lives. Whether it’s unmet expectations from friends, family, or colleagues, or simply not living up to our own standards, these low points can be hard to stomach.

However, it’s important to remember that we all make mistakes – and that it’s okay to forgive yourself. Learning from your mistakes is how you grow and become a better person. With a little time and effort, you’ll be able to move on and achieve great things.

What problem does your business solve?

At AgilityPortal, we believe that an effective workplace should be collaborative, innovative and above all else, productive. We offer a comprehensive digital workplace and intranet solution that helps teams to achieve these goals.

Our software covers three key areas: information, people and work. In terms of information, our software helps teams to share documents and ideas quickly and easily. For people, our software makes it easy to connect with colleagues and build relationships.

And for work, our software helps teams to manage projects, set deadlines and track progress. We’re a small, agile business, so we can build new features and fix bugs for our clients at incredible speed.

No need to multiple tools AgilityPortal provides a all-in-one solution with great security and features that will help engagement employees and build a online culture.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

When I started working from home 10 years ago, I quickly realized that there was a lack of productivity tools available that could address all my needs. I had to use multiple apps for different purposes, and most of them were abandoned after a short period of time.

There was no easy way to manage my ideas, set goals, save documents, or communicate with my team mates. This inspired me to create an all-in-one intranet software that would serve as a digital workplace for businesses of all sizes.

With our software, you can easily connect all your employee communications, file sharing, and task management in one place. We also offer a variety of features that allow you to customize the software to fit your specific needs.

Whether you’re looking for a simple way to increase communication within your team or a comprehensive solution for managing your business operations, our software has you covered.

What is your magic sauce?

We offer a unique blend of features that helps everyone from the individual contributor to the C-suite get more done in less time. Here’s a quick overview of how we differ from the competition:

  • Agilityportal is the only productivity platform that offers artificial intelligence-powered features like Smart Tasks and Smart Notifications. This means that our users are always aware of what’s most important and can take actions quickly and efficiently.
  • Agilityportal also offers a unique collaborative workspace that allows teams to work together on projects in real-time. This means that team members can quickly brainstorm ideas, share files, and give feedback-all without ever leaving the Agilityportal platform.
  • gilityPortal is a hybrid intranet software that combines, digital workplace tools, and internal communication software all in one.
  • Lastly, Agilityportal is affordable for businesses of all sizes. We offer a variety of subscription plans that are designed to meet the needs of even the smallest businesses.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

Our goal is to increase our revenue to £6m and to have an office in the United States. Increase our staff head count to 40, which consists of Developers, Project managers, Sales and Software testers.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

We started Agilityportal with a small team of 3 people and bootstrapped the business. The biggest challenge we’ve faced so far is building Agilityportal while also trying to run the business.
We have to be very efficient and prioritize our time carefully.

We’re constantly trying to improve our process and optimize our workflow. It’s a lot of work, but it’s also been a lot of fun. We’re learning new things all the time and we’re passionate about what we’re doing. We hope to continue growing Agilityportal and making it the best it can be.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

AgilityPortal used to be just another software company. We had a lot of the same features as our competitors, but we weren’t really stood-out in any way.

We knew we needed to change that if we were going to succeed in the long term, so we decided to revisit our mission, vision and values statement. The process was incredibly eye-opening, and it helped us to redefine what we wanted to achieve as a business.

It also made us realise that we needed to be more agile in the way we operate. We need to be able to adapt to the ever-changing needs of our clients, and that means having a flexible workforce who are willing to evolve with the company.

We would like to connecting with partners and affiliate to help us get more visibility in the market.

For more information about our partnership program

click here: https://agilityportal.io/affiliate-marketing/accounts

to learn more about our products click here: https://agilityportal.io/product/intranet-software-for-small-business

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