20 Best British Travel Podcasts of 2021

May 18, 2021

Are you wanting to learn more about british travel? Well you’ve come to the right place. This is a curated list of the best british travel podcasts of 2021.

We have selected these podcasts for a variety of reasons, but they are all well worth a listen. We tried to select a variety of podcasts across the spectrum from hosts with a wide breadth of experience.

Best British Travel Podcasts 2021

With thanks to ListenNotes, Crunchbase, SemRush and Ahrefs for providing the data to create and rank these podcasts.

Clubs & Corks Golf Podcast

  • Publisher: Ben Curtis & Luke Taylor
  • Total Episodes: 17

The Clubs & Corks Golf Podcasts is a weekly podcast that brings the game of golf down-to-earth, behind the scenes with fun and insightful interviews with some of the biggest names in golf and other sports celebrities. Listeners can expect humor, stories never shared, commentary, travel tips, course reviews, giveaways and insider tips to improve one’s golf game from a major champion. Self Proclaimed Golf Fashion Icon Luke Taylor, and British Open Champion, Ben Curtis, host the show.

One Step Beyond

  • Publisher: Tony Fletcher
  • Total Episodes: 29

Hey you… Join author, runner, broadcaster, and traveler Tony Fletcher on this show about positively engaging with the world outside our door.Whether it’s to hike a local trail or climb a distant mountain, move to a new country or travel somewhere unusual, run a first 5k or tackle an ultra-marathon, One Step Beyond documents people who take a step outside their comfort zone to enrich their life. With interviews, features and field recordings.Tony Fletcher is the British-born author of ten books, including best-selling biographies of Keith Moon, Wilson Pickett, R.E.M. and The Smiths. In 2016, he backpacked around the world with his wife and then 11-year old younger son. In 2019 he hosted and wrote “It’s A Pixies Podcast.” A keen runner, with dozens of road and trail marathons to his name, he lives in Kingston, New York.Questions or comments or to Subscribe to the One Step Beyond newsletter: OneStepBeyond@ijamming.netSupport this show http://supporter.acast.com/onestepbeyond. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

Exploring India through her stories

  • Publisher: Storytrails
  • Total Episodes: 5

Every sight has a story to tell. Join us as we uncover fascinating, insightful stories behind places, people and monuments of India. Each episode offers a bite-sized glimpse into India’s history, culture, and heritage; Hidden histories, unexpected tales, and stories that help you make sense of the sights around you. Come, experience India with us! Storytrails is an award-winning organisation that attempts to showcase India through her stories. It is a pioneer in designing highly acclaimed, story-based walking tours, audio tours and experiences across India. Storytrails is a winner of the ‘Creative Entrepreneurship Award’ from the British Council, and the ‘Travellers’Choice’ and ‘Hall of Fame’ Awards from Tripadvisor among others. It is highly rated in most travel publications and has seen glowing reviews in Lonely Planet, Frommer’s, Conde Nast, and Nat Geo traveller and many more. Explore more of these stories in our short video series, blog, online workshops, audio tours and walking tours; links on our website www.storytrails.in

Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

  • Publisher: Jason Hartman
  • Total Episodes: 1017

Survive and thrive in today’s economy! With over 1,100 episodes in this Monday – Friday podcast, business and investment guru Jason Hartman interviews top-tier guests, bestselling authors and financial experts including; Steve Forbes (Freedom Manifesto), Tomas Sowell (Housing Boom and Bust), Noam Chomsky (Manufacturing Consent), Jenny Craig (Health & Fitness CEO), Jim Cramer (Mad Money), Harvey Mackay (Swim With The Sharks & Get Your Foot in the Door), Todd Akin (Former US Congressman), William D. Cohan ( The Price of Silence, The Last Tycoon, & House of Cards), G. Edward Griffin (The Creature from Jekyll Island), Daniel Pink (National Geographic). Jason Hartman is the Founder and CEO of Platinum Properties Investor Network, The Hartman Media Company, and The Jason Hartman Foundation. Starting with very little, Jason, while still in college at the age of 19, embarked on a career in real estate while brokering properties for clients, he was investing in he own portfolio along the way. Through creativity, persistence and hard work, he soon joined the ranks of the top one-percent of Realtors in the U.S. and in quick succession; earned a number of prestigious industry awards and became a young multi-millionaire. Jason purchased an Irvine, California real estate brokerage firm which he expanded dramatically and was later acquired by Coldwell Banker. He combined his dedication and business talents to become a successful entrepreneur, public speaker, author, and media personality. Over the years he developed his Complete Solution for Real Estate Investors™ where his innovative firm educates and assists investors in acquiring prudent investments nationwide for their portfolio. Jason’s highly sought after educational events, speaking engagements, and his ultra-hot “Creating Wealth Podcast” inspire and empower hundreds of thousands of people in 26 countries worldwide. Additional guests featured on the Creating Wealth podcast include Robert Kiyosaki (RIch Dad Poor Dad), Matthew Quirk (The 500 & The Directive), Eve Wright (Life at the Speed of Passion), John Lawrence Allen (Make Wall Street Pay You Back), Jerry Robinson (Bankruptcy in Our Nation), Peter Zeihan (The Accidental Superpower), David Crowe (National Association of Homebuilders NAHB), Consuelo Mack (PBS – Wealth Track), Sean Haugh (Libertarian Candidate for the US Senate), Scott Paul (Alliance for American Manufacturing), Charles Goyette (Ron Paul’s America Show), Chris Martenson (Crash Course), Matt Theriault (Epic Real Estate Investing), Christopher Barnatt (The Future of 3D Printing), Zac Bissonnette (Good Advice From Bad People), Rich Karlgaard (Forbes Magazine). Chris Mayer (Agora Financial), Craig R. Smith (The Great Withdrawal), Po Bronson (The Science of Winning & Losing), Jim Stossel (Why Government Fails), John McAfee (Founder of McAfee Anti-Virus Software) Harry Dent (The Great Depression Ahead), Kevin Armstrong (Bulls, Birdies, Bogeys, and Bears), Nick Bilton (Hatching Twitter), Tom Kreautler (The Money Pit), Doug Brunt (Ghosts of Manhattan), Catherine McBreen (Get Rich, Stay Rich, Pass it On), Les Leopold (How to Make a Million Dollars an Hour), Robert Greene (Mastery, Power, & Seduction), Byron Dorgan (Gridlock), Dennis Miller (Retirement Reboot), George Gilder (Knowledge & Power), Jed Kolko (Tulia), Dr. Judith Wright (The Soft Addiction Solution), Richard Duncan (The New Depression), Dave Krieger (Clouded Titles), Bill Ayers (Confessions of an American Dissident), Dr. H. Woody Block (American Gridlock), Steven Kotler (Abundance), Laurence Kotlikoff (The Clash of Generations), Greg Farrell (Crash of the Titans), Shaun Rein (The End of Cheap China), Ken Gronbach (The Age Curve), Amity Shlaes (The Forgotten Man), Roger Lowenstein (The End of Wall Street), Jay Elliot (The Steve Jobs Way), Richard Duncan (The Dollar Crisis & The Corruption of Capitalism), Robert Wiedemer (Aftershock), and Steve Slaunwhite (The Wealthy Freelancer). A trademark feature of Hartman Media podcasts are our ‘Tenth Episodes’ where alternative topics of interest are explored every tenth episode. This provides a diverse mix of programming exploring issues and influential authors like John Gray (Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus), Dan Millman (Way of the Peaceful Warrior), Dr. Denis Waitley (The Psychology of Winning, The Seeds of Greatness), Lori Ann LaRocco (Opportunity Knocking), Mark Divine (Seal Fit: Way of the SEAL), Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler (The Power of Belief), Dr. Kelly McGonigal (The Willpower Instinct), Doug Conant (Touch Points), Jared Diamond (The World Until Yesterday), Dr. Bob Wright (The Science of Spectacular Living), Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Successful Soul), Sonia Arrison (The Coming Age of Longevity), Dr. David Rock (Your Brain at Work), Gay Hendricks (Relationship Enhancement), Hannah Holmes (Quirk), Dr. Gary Chapman (The Five Love Languages), David Farrow (Millionaire Memory), and David Allen (Getting Things Done), Topics explored at depth on Creating Wealth include investing, income properties, property investing, investment strategies, loan modifications, market predictions, mortgage modifications, online marketing, real estate, rental property investing, subprime mortgage crisis, 401K, retirement, Alibaba.com, alternative currencies, alternative energy, ROI, cash flow, American economy, appreciation, arbitrage, Arkansas housing market, artificial intelligence, asset allocation, Atlanta Georgia, income property investing, attorneys, Australian mining, Austin real estate, baby boom generation, baby boomers, banking, bank loans, bankruptcies, Belize, Ben Bernanke, billionaires, bonds, book reviews, boom bust cycles, Boston, brand management, branding, Brookings Institution, Breton Woods, BP, British Petroleum, bubble markets, building wealth, business cycles, business psychology, business travelers, California, California Department of Insurance, CDI, California real estate, capital gains tax, Case-Shiller, Casey Research, cash flow, central banks, certificates of deposit, Chicago, Chicago real estate, China, college tuition, Colorado, commercial investing, commodities, commodity pricing, compound interest, conversions, CPI, Consumer Price Index, Dallas, dark pools, debt ceiling, debt crisis, debt-financed spending, deflation, Detroit, Detroit real estate, digital money, distressed properties, down payment, email marketing, estate tax, high cash flow, home equity, home financing, Indiana, Indianapolis, interest rates, jobless recovery, Kansas City, leverage, libertarian, Little Rock, maintenance warranty, management fees, Manhattan, marketing, Memphis, Miami, Michigan, mircopreneur, middle class, millennials, millionaire, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, MLS, mobile banking, monetary policy, money market fund, negative equity, new home construction, New Orleans, New York, New York City, North Carolina, Ohio, oil, oil prediction, overpriced markets, packaged commodities, passive income, passive investor, payroll tax, pension, pension funds, pension plans, Platinum Properties, positive cash-flow, price stability, price of gold, price volatility, private money lending, pro forma, property appraisal, property value, real estate arbitrage, real estate tax, rent, rental, renovated homes, rental homes, rental income, rental insurance, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, single-family homes, social marketing, social media, Swiss Franc, Swiss National Bank, Tampa, tax, tax laws, tax bracket, tax lien, taxes, tenant, tenant eviction, Tennessee, Texas, treasury reports, unemployment, unfriendly markets, US housing market, venture capital, volatility, Warren Buffet, Washington, wealth management, whistleblowers, world economy, Zero Hedge. Additional topics explored on the Creating Wealth podcast include Bitcoin, digital currencies, corporate tax inversions, crowdfunding, inflation, the Federal Reserve, student loan debt, monetary policy, economic challenges facing generation Y, solar energy, 3D printing, medical technology, US dollar, currency exchange, plunging bond rates, personal and commercial bankruptcy, the cost of a college education, digital banking, the American dream, capital gains taxes, asset protection, gold and silver, commodities markets, precious metals, investing tips, structural and personal unemployment, bank regulations, regulatory reform, emerging markets, shadow banking, social media, derivatives, mobile commerce, government regulation, housing market, identity theft, cyber currencies, mortgage lenders, investment properties, VA loans, gold standard, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, online auctions, landlord tenant conflicts, tax lien investing, tax law, retirement, contract law, stagflation, home loans, real estate scams, renters, reverse mortgages, foreclosures, euro, European Union, ECB, European Central Bank, the US housing market, micro lending, online security, cyber security, online banking, digital banking, outsourcing, online shopping, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, JP Morgan, short sales, austerity, forex, monetary systems, budget surplus, budget deficits, tax cuts, solar energy, consumer debt, consumer price index, property investing, high frequency trading, interest rates, college tuition, cashless societies, credit card debt, credit monitoring, credit ratings, currency trading, refinancing, federal stimulus, financial independence, financial planning, financial literacy, economic growth, economic development, Wall Street, IPO, IRS, Internal Revenue Service, IMF, International Monetary Fund, mobile banking, Elliot Wave theory, free trade, underwater homeowners, foreign investing, oil prices, entrepreneurship, Equifax, federal budget, Keynes, Keynesian, fiat currency, financial scams, global economy, gold standard, income tax, and foreign investment.

I Travel For: A Podcast About Curiosity, Wonder, and Discovery

  • Publisher: Slate Studios
  • Total Episodes: 5

What compels us to book a flight to a place we’ve never been? What draws us to other cultures? What inspires us to discover hidden places and untold stories? From Slate Studios in partnership with American Airlines, British Airways, and Visit Britain, I Travel For is a podcast about the reasons we explore. Host Hattie Pearson follows American travelers as they traverse Great Britain. But here’s the twist: they didn’t plan their own trips — local Brits did.

The What’s On Podcast

  • Publisher: Country & Townhouse
  • Total Episodes: 17

The What’s On Podcast: Audio Tours of the Best of British is hosted by Lucy Cleland, Editor of Country & Town House, and Rebecca Cox, Online Editor of What’s On by C&TH. A UK travel and culture weekly podcast, each episode features an audio tour of a location or event in the UK, and a discussion from Lucy & Rebecca around the topic.

Tufty Club – Sheffield United Podcast

  • Publisher: Tufty Club
  • Total Episodes: 96

Find us on Twitter @Tufty_Club. We’re a podcast about Sheffield United F.C. and though it’s mostly about the Blades, we often go off on a tangent about loads of other things. These side-ramblings are usually about music, travel, beer and UK culture, but recent tangents have also included how baggy 90s clothing was, the British weather and model villages. Something for everyone.

The Big Screen Biograph

  • Publisher: Val Thomas
  • Total Episodes: 4

Every three weeks, Val Thomas recounts the stories of the film-makers, the film stars and the drama when the two collide… In our first season, we’ll be looking at British exploitation producer, Tony Tenser, Hollywood legend Shelley Winters, consummate gentleman and raconteur Peter Ustinov, horror maestro and master showman William Castle and that beloved acting duo, Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau. Why not join us as we travel through the stories behind the people behind the movies? Don’t miss a single episode by subscribing wherever you source your podcasts.

Arsenal Gentleman’s Podcast

  • Publisher: Arsenal Gentleman’s Podcast
  • Total Episodes: 4

Join the Arsenal Gentleman for the modern-day world of Arsenal filtered through the 1930s. Each week you’ll hear the Only Official Final Score in British Broadcasting, Commentary Highlights in a 1930s style, an Away Safari travelogue, Player Profiles and The Lost Language of Football. Tinkety Tonk, old fruit! Please send missives to arsenalgentleman@gmail.com.

Untold Stories of the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast

  • Publisher: Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association
  • Total Episodes: 10

British Columbia, Canada is home to one of the most diverse travel destinations on Earth: the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast. Coastal rainforest, grassland plateau, endless mountain ranges, rich Indigenous culture and abundant wildlife are only some of the highlights. Join our host, Jason Ryll, as he embarks on adventures to learn more about his own backyard and interviews the people that helped shape this beautiful part of the world.

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

  • Publisher: Loyal Books
  • Total Episodes: 8

“A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts,” is one of the quotes from James Allen’s classic self help books, As a Man Thinketh. Published in 1902, it provides many more such insightful concepts on the power of thought and its effect on a human being’s personality and behavior. This volume is more of a literary essay than a complete book and its title is based on a Biblical proverb, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Taking this piece of ancient wisdom further, James Allen explores the far-reaching effects of the inner workings of a person’s mind and motivation. He proposes that projecting one’s own desires, goals and needs in the outer world can provide clues to a person’s character. Thinking and the subconscious mind are assumed to be hidden from the outside world, and hence powerless to change the course of events or circumstances of one’s life. However, in this book, Allen presents ideas that can harness this subterranean force and bend our lives to our will if we so choose. James Allen was a British writer who wrote mostly about everyday philosophy for the lay person and was in a sense, a pioneer of the self help movement. His books and poems were inspirational pieces, meant to help people realize their own powers and take charge of their lives rather than being mere tools in the hands of destiny. Born in a working class family in Leicester, England, Allen and his younger brother grew up in straitened circumstances. His father, a factory worker, traveled to America in search of a better job, but was tragically attacked and killed by criminals in New York. James, the older son, was compelled to leave school and seek work back in England. He found employment as a secretary to a stationer and later worked as a journalist. He later discovered a deep and enduring interest in spiritual matters when he began working as a writer with a magazine devoted to spiritual themes. His first book From Poverty to Power was published in 1901. Subsequently, he also launched his own spiritual magazine. As a Man Thinketh was his third and most famous book. It became an instant bestseller and the sales of this tiny volume were so great that they allowed Allen and his family to retire to the country, buy a house and live in relative comfort for the rest of their life. The book’s language is very simple and the message presented here will certainly provide a basis for further thought and meditation.

Kim by KIPLING, Rudyard

  • Publisher: LibriVox
  • Total Episodes: 23

Kim is a fabulous adventure story set in India during the former British Empire. It tells the story of a street-wise but (in typical Kipling fashion) highly moral Anglo-Indian boy who becomes enmeshed the “the Great Game” -– the competition between Britain and Russia for control over Asia. Taking time off from his role as the traveling companion of an aged Tibetan lama, the boy is trained as a spy, matches wits with various evildoers, and wins out in the end. So much more than just a spy story, Kim is one of the most enjoyable books that you will ever read — or have read to you. Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was born in Bombay, India. He was the author of many short stories and novels including The Jungle Book. (summary by Adrian Praetzellis)

The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins

  • Publisher: Loyal Books
  • Total Episodes: 48

A young woman who inherits a beautiful diamond known as The Moonstone on her eighteenth birthday becomes the center of this mystery story. The diamond is a gift from an uncle who once served as an army officer in British India. She proudly wears the jewel on her dress at her birthday party that night. The precious stone has a dark and sinister history, which will have a terrible impact on her life and the lives of those around her. You’re about to read what’s been termed the very first real detective story in the English language. The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins is the book which is deemed to have set many of the traditions for the generic detective story. Elements like murder in an English country house, plenty of suspects, a famous detective who is called in to solve the crime, a complicated motive and a final twist in the tale as the perpetrator is revealed. The Moonstone was serialized in 1868 in Charles Dickens’ magazine All The Year Round. William Wilkie Collins was an aspiring law student when he first met the great Charles Dickens. Encouraged by the famous author, Collins began to contribute short stories and longer novels to Dickens’ magazines. The two became good friends and often coauthored many pieces in these magazines, read, discussed and traveled together and shared a great literary and personal friendship. However, by the time The Moonstone was written, Collins was suffering from serious ill-health and became addicted to opium, which he began taking to get relief from excruciating pain. The Moonstone was actually a break from the kind of stories Collins had written to that point. The Victorian “sensation” novel genre was all the rage in England at the time, but with The Moonstone, the focus began to shift to mystery, crime and detection. The effects of colonization, looting of local treasures and oppression of the natives are all underlying themes in The Moonstone. As a forerunner of the great traditions of detective fiction, The Moonstone is a gripping, interesting and fascinating read for whodunit fans of all ages.

Graps and Claps Audio

  • Publisher: Andrew Ogden
  • Total Episodes: 177

One Fan and his journey around the U.K following the weird and wonderful world of British Wrestling and beyond. And away from the wrestling, I will be giving you reviews of pubs, restaurants and toilets I have frequented whilst on my travels!! As ever like, share and retweet this podcast using the hashtag #grapsandclaps, also you can follow me @oggypart3 on Twitter for this plus any additional reviews!!

My Take on It – Rants of an immigrant

  • Publisher: Karanja Gaçuça
  • Total Episodes: 11

Random rants and ravings of a Kenyan man with British nationality about everything to do with my experiences of living outside of Africa currently in the United States but also in Europe having lived in England & France and spent plenty of time in Switzerland with lots of travel across the globe.

Astrology for a better life – Dr Theja

  • Publisher: Dr Theja
  • Total Episodes: 16

I will be 70 years old in April 2021.  In 1971 at the age of 20, I left Sri Lanka on a scholarship to pursue higher studies in Germany. In 1982, after my PhD, I became a lecturer at the faculty of Mineralogy at the University of Berlin. In 1991, my wife, two children and I migrated to Perth, Australia. From 1992-1995 I was time to time engaged by United Nations and Commonwealth Secretariat as an Advisor on precious minerals and worked in Ghana, West Africa.   Since 1976 I have been very intrigued by Vedic Astrology and spent a lot of time learning about this unique science. As a result of my interest, I started to offer Astrology readings, as a hobby, in 1991. Eventually, that hobby became a professional platform and for the past 30 years, I have provided over 10,000 readings to clients globally. I am happy to see that there are so many individuals who have heard about Indian Vedic Astrology and are willing to learn about and investigate their Vedic Horoscope. If this is a topic that interests you, please spend some time listening to my podcasts, browse my website, or watch the videos on my YouTube channel. All these platforms have information which will help you to understand the uniqueness of this science and how I offer my consultations. My intention in introducing this podcast and my YouTube Channel is to share what I have learnt through my Astrology consultations and to consequently inspire non-believers to understand the value of this predictive science. Vedic Astrology is able to help individuals to be more content and happy through identifying their personality strengths. I also enjoy sharing the life experiences that I have gained through my almost 50 years of extensive travels and I want to inspire individuals by sharing how I have overcome certain challenges in my life.   Dr.Theja (PhD. Germany) Consultant Astrologer/ Spiritual Advisor/ Gemologist Former UN and Commonwealth Secretariat Advisor on precious mineral products, Australian Academy of Vedic Astrology Life Member of the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS) Member of the Australian Council of Vedic Astrology (ACVA) Member of the International Institute of Predictive Astrology, (IIPA, USA) Member of the Planetary Gemologists Association Global (PG) Member of the British Association for Vedic Astrology (BAVA) Web: http://www.theja.com.au Tel: +61 8 9498 7819 Mob: +61 422 050 646 Email: drtheja@gmail.com

Outlander Review and After Show

  • Publisher: theStream.tv
  • Total Episodes: 1

Join Ryan Hooks, Keetin Marchi, and Jennifer Barnes every week, live and on demand, for review and conversation about each new episode of Outlander Don’t forget to follow @thestreamtv and the after show hosts on Twitter! Ryan Hooks- @ryanhooks92 Keetin Marchi- @KeetinMarchi Jennifer Barnes- @ohheyjenbarnes theStream.tv Fan Show Network presents Outlander Review and After Show. Tune in each week, live and on demand, for review and conversation about all things Outlander. Outlander is a British-American television drama series based on the historical time travel Outlander series of novels by Diana Gabaldon.Created by Ronald D. Moore and produced by Left Bank Pictures for Starz, the show began its first run of 16 episodes on August 9, 2014. On August 15, 2014, Starz renewed the series for a second season of at least 13 episodes, which will be based on Dragonfly in Amber, the second book in Gabaldon’s series. In 1945, married World War II nurse Claire Beauchamp Randall finds herself transported back to Scotland in 1743, where she encounters civil war and the dashing highland warrior Jamie Fraser. SUBSCRIBE TO THESTREAM.TV http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=thestreamtv LIKE US ON FACEBOOK http://www.thestream.tv/facebook FOLLOW US ON TWITTER http://www.twitter.com/thestreamtv

Britain by Brit

  • Publisher: T P Smith
  • Total Episodes: 1

Britain by Brit: The History, People, Places and Culture of The United Kingdom. A show for listeners who are intrigued by all things British. The show covers your common questions, famous history, pop culture, humorous norms and many other things about The UK. Answering user questions and requests. I’m T P Smith, a Brit residing not too far from London who has done my fair divvy of travelling. Thus, a lot of the topics I will cover are actual questions people have asked me about The UK, when abroad. Tip me: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/bybrit Support me: https://www.patreon.com/bybrit


  • Publisher: Gym Therapy
  • Total Episodes: 11

Gym therapy is presented by two professional Great British gymnasts: Gaius & Brinn. Created to catch up with friends & share stories, keep up with the busy training & traveling lifestyle & just to chat some sh**. Join us on our journey as we feature special guests and talk about: past, present & future adventures of our lives. Lay back, relax, and enjoy Gaius & Brinn’s Gym Therapy.

Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys by EDWARDS, Amelia Ann Blanford

  • Publisher: LibriVox
  • Total Episodes: 37

Amelia B. Edwards wrote this historical travelogue in in 1873. The book describes her travels through a relatively un-visited area in the South Tyrol district of Italy. The Dolomites are a part of that most famous of mountain chains, the Alps. In this book, the Writer and her friend and companion, L., travel from Southern Italy, having over-wintered there, to visit the Dolomite district. Her chatty style, dry sense of humor, accuracy of facts, and sympathy for humanity set her works apart. The slice of Victorian British life presented is quite captivating. She would later travel throughout Europe and Egypt at a time when most women didn’t leave home. Later she was to become one of the pioneering Egyptologists of the age. This is her first travelogue.

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